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Salmonberry Plants

Salmonberry plants are grown in many areas throughout the USA and other countries. They grow wild in the Pacific Northwest. Salmonberry plants bloom in early spring, with flowers that are a dark rose-pink. Salmonberries are shaped like raspberries, but are yellow to orange to deep red in color. The salmonberry sprouts are harvested from April to early June.

Grow Salmonberries

The salmonberry is a deciduous shrub that grows up to 4 meters tall. The stems of the plant are often prickly, so be careful when picking the berries! Salmonberry plants grow best in moist places and wetlands, and can be found along stream sides. If summer drought occurs, water often to keep the roots moist, but do not drown the plant! Salmonberry plants thrive best and grow very rapidly in moist, shady conditions. Salmonberry plants can also grow both in full and partial sunlight. Salmonberries can be grown from fresh seed.

Salmonberry Uses

Salmonberries can be frozen, canned, and made into jams and jellies. They can also be used as toppings for desserts. The roots of the salmonberry plant can be used for treating various gastrointestinal ailments, such as constipation. The bark of salmonberry plants can also be powdered to be used for treating sores and burns.

Salmonberry Facts

The scientific name of Salmonberry is Rubus spectabilis. Salmonberry is part of the rose family, which means the raspberry is its cousin. This is not to be confused with Rubus parviflorus, also called Salmonberry, but more commonly called Thimbleberry, although Rubus occidentalis is sometimes called Thimbleberry, but more commonly called Black Raspberry.

Salmonberry Farms

It may be possible to find any salmonberry farms near your location. We have built a map that will show all of the berry farms in our directory!

Photo - Island Ashley - Bainbridge Island, Washington
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